Genius International Kindergaten 39 views


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Genius International Kindergaten

Company Information

  • Total Jobs 0 Jobs
  • Category Education & Teaching
  • Company Location Shenzhen
  • Company Size 501-1,000 employees

Something About Company

Genius international kindergarten was founded and managed by Genius Education Group, and it is a chain kindergarten. Our Kindergarten has more than 15 years developing history in China, we have 30 high standard branches centres which mainly spreads over in Shenzhen, Changsha, Chongqing, Fujian in China,Sydney in Australia. The Genius as a international chain kindergarten, has the transnational background, international advanced education resources, and attracts teachers all around the world. The Genius advocates ” Noble First”,noble is the spirit, rich is the material. It means a kind of advanced spirit with a series of values, concluding reputation, responsibility, courage, automaticity. The objective of the Genius International Kindergarten is to cultivate International small citizens with the noble spirit, who has the sense of responsibility, challenge spirit and service consciousness, understanding and accepting the different cultures!

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